Today I want to write about a topic which is close to my heart: Good horse keeping. Unfortunately, I see a lot of bad horse keeping in India but also in Germany at times. So, today I will talk a little bit about a horse’s needs and wants and how we human beings quite often…
Month: May 2021

Are Marwari Horses Different?
One question a lot of people ask me is whether Marwari horses are different than other horse breeds and whether training them is too. The honest answer is no. Marwari horses are horses. They are usually smart and they have a good work ethic, but otherwise they are just like any other horse breed in…

Rajmani Update
Just a quick update here, as I have not posted in quite some time. I was working with Rajmani all these days, but he had a three-day rest in-between as I got my Covid shot and was pretty gone for some time. After three days, I decided to take him for his third independent ride…

Starting Rajmani under the Saddle
Rajmani had an exciting weekend. My friend came to visit and I used the opportunity to ask her to give me a hand in his training. There are a few things which are best done when you have a helper. Sitting on a young horse for the first time is one of them. Now, I…