It has been a while that I have posted an update about Rajmani even though he has been with me for thirteen months now. I have not posted much as things have progressed so smoothly. The unruly, impatient and impertinent gelding who arrive in March 2021 has become a well-behaved, calm and gentle riding horse….
Category: Rajmani

The Making of a Riding Horse
I have not posted an update about Rajmani for a long time, but of course he ist still with me and I am still working with him. Over a couple of horse safaris and riding programs, I did not do much with him, but now he is firmly back on top of my agenda, as…

Solo Ride with Rajmani
Actually, I had planned another entry for today about a different topic, but I decided to write about a happy event which took place yesterday first. I haven’t blogged about Rajmani for quite some time. This is due to the fact that I don’t really have a lot of time working with him and because…

Fear in the Saddle
Before I will continue with the foals, I want to blog about a topic which is close to my heart. I want to talk about fear in the saddle, about the anxiety, a lot of riders experience when they ride their own horse or sit in the saddle of a new horse. Fear is an…

Rajmani: Development of a Young Horse
Today Rajmani has been with us for three months, time for another update! I did some long rein work with him this afternoon and just asked myself, where is the jittery, mouthy horse gone and when did Rajmani become so calm and easy to work with. It just happened over the last few weeks, bit…

Trotzkopf – When a Young Horse gets frustrated
Everyone who has raised children, knows temper tantrums. Some children have them occasionally while others have them regularly. It depends on the individual child and its character -there is not much you can do about that- and also a bit on how good you are at parenting. With horses it is very similar. Some horses…

The First Step Towards Riding
What is the first step towards riding your young horse? It is actually teaching him to stand still in a certain spot. Without him standing still, how can I even think of mounting? Of course, I could force him to stand still by having another person holding him, but I have long stopped using force…

27.03. Rajmani got kicked – Treating a Minor Leg Injury
Rajmani is lame. He got a kick on his forearm. Not bad, but the skin is broken, there is a little blood and you can see the outline of a hoof. The joy of integrating a new horse into a herd of mares! I suppose it was a question of time and I should be…

Starting with the Process of Saddling
20.03.2021 Today we returned from our fifth ride together and I am rather satisfied with Rajmani, even though he stopped a few times abruptly. He generally follows the lead horse better and trots on command not with me pulling on the lead rope. He also learned to drink from a water trough outside today. First,…

Rajmani – First Assessment of a Young Horse
17.03.2021 Today Rajmani has been with us for two weeks and I definitely own you an update on him. In fact, I did a little assessment on him yesterday, thinking about how far we have come in the last fourteen days. While training a young horse, one should always have a plan and then go…